I am a person, I am ME!
I have feelings.​
I have ideas.
Listen to what I have to say.
I feel safe and protected from harm, abuse and neglect.
My health and social care needs are assessed.
I get the right support that I need.
Support me in the skills I need to live independently.
I like to have privacy.
I like to have a warm home.
Support me in activities in my community.
Give me the information that I need, in a way I understand.
I would like to get a job.
Support me to get independence.
Support me, even if I take risks.
Support me to achieve my potential.
Support me to gain the skills I need.
Please respect me.
I would like warm and nurturing care and support.
I would like to be included in decisions, and make informed choices.
I have trust in the people supporting me.
Support me to become the person I would like to be.