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Day training


Vocational training
NVT/social training

Each person will follow a specially designed training programme, which will have been decided upon with the trainee, careers officer, parents, social worker etc.  The aim here is to help the trainee develop the skills that will be most valuable to them in the future, whether these are social skills, vocational skills or both.

The vocational training, the non-vocational and the social training are not freestanding projects within Nansen Highland. 

They are closely and carefully interlinked tools to enrich the whole personality of the individual.

As explained in the introduction, our aim is to arm our young adults with the tools they need to understand the complex society we live in and to react according to the unwritten rules and expectations of that world.

This crucial understanding is a necessity for the independence the young adult endeavours to achieve in the future, no matter what the final level of independence may be.

No time limit is set on this exploration. The young adult gets the time they need to achieve this at their own pace.

Therefore, every youngster joining Nansen Highland is offered a combination of vocational, non-vocational and social training. The time spent on each is carefully considered at the beginning of the placement and evaluated, reviewed and if necessary adjusted at reviews and/or staff meetings.



Day training application form

Day training induction/information pack



Day training centre, Redcastle Station


Care Commission service number: CS2003008527


Care Commission 


You can find on the Care Commission website the various details held by the Care Commission about our services.


Please find below the inspection reports for the day training centre



*     Inspection report: 5th of July 2005

*     Inspection report: 28th of June 2006





Send mail to general@nansenhighland.co.uk with questions or comments about this web site.
Copyright © 2010 Nansen Highland
Last modified: 03 December, 2010